
Here you will find the list of singles for sale.

We put on new records regularly. Please notice that we try to keep the list updated, but sometimes it may slip and sold records may still occur for sale.

Most singles for sale are used and some maybe even 30, 40 or 50 years old. We grade the records as good as we can, however, some inconsistencies in the record description may occur. If so, we are happy to give you a full refund.

Please remember to use the SEARCH BUTTON as the list is very long.

You can look for: GENRE(punk, progressive ,beat, folk, etc), ARTIST/GROUP(Beatles, Rod Stewart etc), YEAR( 1989, 2010), LABEL(Warner, Sonet), PRICE(500kr, 100kr) and more

You can always find whats new on the "late additions" list. 


Category Title Price
Single > F Fury Billy:Jealousy(Old Gold UK 81)M-/M-, repro 40,-
Single > F Fury Billy:Nothin´ shakin´(Decca DK 62?)ex/vg++, old tape around seam else ex, danish ps 400,-
Single > F Fuzzbox:Self(USA 89)M-/M- promotion sample, punkrock 70,-
Single > F Fynsk Harmoniforvirring:Lundeborghymnen(Medley H 78)M-/ex danish folkrock 20,-